Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee

Agenda Item 60 (d)


Subject:                    Urgent review of Council’s policies for tackling crime and antisocial behavior

                                    Notice of Motion from the Conservative Group


Date of meeting:    13 January 2022


Proposer:                 Councillor Simson

Seconder:                Councillor Brown


Ward(s) affected:   All



This Committee:

1.         Notes that central Brighton LSOA has been ranked 8th worst out of 33,000 areas across England and Wales for crime and antisocial behaviour.


2.         Notes that since 2019 this Council has significantly weakened its policies for tackling crime and anti-social behaviour, including:

a.     Failing to renew the City’s Public Space Protection Orders for Parks and Open Spaces;

b.     Declining an opportunity to join an application for Safer Streets Funds when approached by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner;

c.      Failing to keep a full complement of Field Officers employed;

d.     Becoming the only Council in the country to introduce a Homeless Bill of Rights that allows begging and tents in public spaces;

e.     Choosing not to enforce by-laws at its disposal, including at Old Steine Gardens;

f.       Not prioritising safety in the public domain, with 9/10 street lamps at Old Steine Gardens left broken for over a year;

g.     Maintaining only 95 public space CCTV cameras across the city.


3.         Notes that the above policies have put the Council out of step with neighbouring local authorities.


4.         Notes that these policies are a major issue for women who feel unsafe in parts of the City, including at Pavilion Gardens and surrounds where there have been 7 incidents of rape recorded within three years.


5.         Calls for an urgent review of the City’s policies and commitment towards tackling crime and antisocial behaviour, with a report to be provided to the next meeting of this Committee.



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